De 10 Mooiste Foto’s van Nochtli Peralta Alvarez

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Nochtli Peralta Alvarez is een Nederlandse vrouw die vooral bekend staat om haar modellenwerk, haar Instagram-account en haar verleden bij de politie. Nochtli is onder Nederlandse mannen befaamd voor haar looks, en wordt door de meesten gezien als een sexy vrouw.

In deze blog zal ik enkele van haar mooiste foto’s met je delen. Op Instagram plaatst Nochtli namelijk veel zelfgemaakte afbeeldingen voor haar ruim 1 miljoen volgers, waarvan sommige zelfs in bikini. Maar ik wil ook wat achtergrondinformatie over deze powervrouw met je delen. Laten we daarmee beginnen!

nochtli nude

Wie is Nochtli Peralta Alvarez precies?

Nochtli groeide als klein meisje op in Haarlem. Als kind had ze al twee dromen: politieagente en model worden. Ze heeft uiteindelijk beide dromen kunnen realiseren, en werd ze op jonge leeftijd al politieagente. Ook vroegen meerdere partijen haar al modellenwerk te verrichten.

nochtli sexy

Helaas bleek haar werk als model slecht te combineren te zijn met de strikte richtlijnen van de politie. Het politiewerk nam ook enorm veel tijd in beslag, wat Nochtli een burn-out opleverde. Hier ontstond het plan om te stoppen met haar baan als politieagente.

Rond die tijd kreeg Nochtli een uniek aanbod: ze werd gevraagd om model te worden voor Body Engineers. Ze besloot de kans te pakken. Sindsdien werkt ze fulltime als fitnessmodel, en is ze bekend geworden in de fitnesswereld.

De mooiste foto’s van Nochtli

Nochtli plaatst volop foto’s op haar Instagram-account waarop ze poseert. Dit zijn in mijn ogen haar mooiste shots!

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When I just started fitness I was super strict with what I could or could not eat. I made my buckets with chicken and brocolli and expected some magic to happen overnight..🤯 Not knowing that it would totally ruin my mood and the way I looked at fitness. Now I basically eat a pizza every weekend, I don’t restrict myself and learned to balance my food out. Best damn thing I ever taught myself🥰❤️ Fitness is supposed to be about fun, changing your ways and get into the best version of you! You don’t have to be extreme, just be consistent and enjoy life!☺️💯 #pizza #fitnessjourney – Wie heeft vandaag ons magazine al binnen gekregen?😍 deze is nog tot 1 augustus te bestellen, dus wees snel als je me nog niet hebt!💕 /📸@jeremy.mettendaf

Een bericht dat is gedeeld door @ nochtlii op

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This morning I woke up and read through a dozen of messages on my instagram, realizing something so important. Honestly sometimes you lovelies are my biggest inspiration!🥺💕 “Learn how to be happy with what you have, while you work for what you want”- I realized that so many of us always see the bad in ourselves first, before we ever really know how to love ourselves. And this hits home because it’s exactly what I want to give forth with my instagram! a lesson I needed to learn first and can hopefully pass on to a lot of you!❤️ self confidence doesn’t come from trying to achieve the perfect body, it comes from embracing the one you’ve already got- then add tax🤣💯 sorry for the long text but really wanted to share this with you bubbas!❤️😍 Something to think about🙏🏼 Have a great Friday!😎💪🏽 – Outfit: @gymshark Legacy collection.

Een bericht dat is gedeeld door @ nochtlii op

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💡In case you forgot to remind yourself this morning… Your butt is perfect. your smile lights up the room. Your mind is insanely cool. You are way more than enough. And you’re doing an amazing job at life.🥰 YES❤️. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Okay so.. I’m not just posting this without a reason. Because sometimes I’m astonished by the amount of sh*t that comes by on Instagram, the rude comments that are being placed under people’s pictures, the constant shaming of others and I can go on and on.. it truly makes me sad and a little mad sometimes😕 SO. I will never stop sprinkling kindness on you people because I think we, you and me, truly need it😫. Sorry for the rant, just in my feels today & social media gets to me from time to time😅 LETS BE KIND TO ONE ANOTHER!✨❤️❤️ #positivevibes #kindness

Een bericht dat is gedeeld door @ nochtlii op

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Over the last few years I’ve created healthy habits which now help me soooo much wherever I am in the world🌍 Yes I do eat pizzas, crappy food and all when I’m on holiday, DEFINITELY😂👏🏼💯 But learning how to balance that out and also feel okay with the fact that I’m not* on top of my game here- is amazeballs! I balance it out by at least watching my protein intake: eating quark or a protein shake before I leave the house, when I eat out I always choose something with a good protein source in it, good vegetables etc. The rest is history though😂🍔🍕 Point being, healthy habits will always help you out and teaching yourself that in my opinion is almost obligatory!👏🏼💯 More about that soon! Make sure you’re subscribed to my YouTube: Nochtli- because 2020 will be all about new goals! &I’m recording it all… soon! But first lemme have Christmas dinner😂🙆🏻‍♀️ Last day here in Curaçao- tomorrow its destination Amsterdam again ✈️! #healthyhabits #vacation #curacao

Een bericht dat is gedeeld door @ nochtlii op

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GIVING UP IS NEVER AN OPTION⚡️You always have a choice, throw in the towel or fight untill you achieve your goals. This can take years, weeks, days.. but the most important part in this is that you don’t stop working for it. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The struggle I have at the moment is that I literally “lost” a part of my lifestyle and regular routine plus want to regain all the muscle I lost during the last few months. Now I can think of a 100 reasons not to go to the gym and eat right.. but in the end it’s all lame excuses and im just being a lil b*ch🤯 Yes I said that🤣✅ No one can do it for me but myself. Obviously I first went through the standard complete denial and sweet talking myself for a few weeks.. Gosh humans are all the same when it comes down to that😆! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ So instead of overthinking the negative I just started to think about all the positive things of my routine as it was: Feeling good in my own skin- energetic, strong, lively & confident🔥 as I’m posting this I’m walking to my gym & truly hope my story can help you out today😎!! Have a great one my my peeps!💜💜@gymshark #motivation

Een bericht dat is gedeeld door @ nochtlii op

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YOU ARE NEVER ALONE💜 did you know a smile doesn’t necessarily mean everything is okay? Everyone goes through their own struggles which you may not see from the outside. Please make sure you don’t only talk about your highs, but definitely the lows too!!💯 it’s okay not to feel okay, no matter what situation you’re in. You are never alone, so please talk, talk about your feelings and let it out🙏🏼 Mental health is key in so many situations and can help you tremendously when you try to work on it.♥️ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Today on world mental health day people spread awareness and start conversations about mental health issues. 🌎 So I wanted to spread that on my platforms too☺️ Have a great day, know you’re loved and if you’re in a bad place right now.. just know not every storm is there to disrupt your life, some are just to clear your path for brighter things💜 #mentalhealthawareness

Een bericht dat is gedeeld door @ nochtlii op

Ik wilde me met deze blogpost richten op Nochtli’s mooiste foto’s, dus geen pikante kiekjes. Hopelijk heb je van deze foto’s kunnen genieten! Mocht je Nochtli toch naakt of topless willen zien, dan moet je op een andere plek zijn 😉